Thesupertracey’s Weblog

August 7, 2008

a week’s review

Filed under: Uncategorized — thesupertracey @ 4:54 pm

So, it’s been a week since I posted something so here’s what’s been going on!

I got to Anna’s house we worked on our sewing projects during the afternoon and then around 6, we left her town and drove up to Tulsa to go to a Barnes and Noble for the 4th book of the Twilight Saga to be released at midnight. I had the brilliant idea that we go over to the Walmart that was just on the other side of the street to get the book so we wouldn’t be there till 3 am. We got home ( to Anna’s home) at 1:40 am and we went right to bed. Then Saturday there was a combination of reading, watching movies and going to Walmart. That was our Saturday. Sunday we went to church and then I left there around 3:55 and got to my church building at 5:45ish in time for evening worship. Monday was back to work and I was the only girl that day. Tuesday though – Kara, a girl I’ve known my whole life, came back to work with me and one of the other girls was back from her trip too so I wasn’t alone with the guys at work. They aren’t much fun to talk to. kara and I watched the movie Anastasia during lunch on Tues. and Wed. and today we swam. Tues. night, Traci came over and I showed her how to use skype and download it and then we went swimming and then we watched Anastasia too! Wed. night I got a text message from my friend and second roommate Alyssa asking if I can pick her up at the airport tonight – so that’s what I’m going to do tonight as well as go to this iDebate thing on campus. I believe it’s going to be televised too! If you remember when Bob Dole was running for president, Mr. Kemp was going to be his vice if they were elected. Well, Mr. Kemp is going to be there! Isn’t that exciting? Well, I should go and eat dinner now so we can get over to campus in time.


p.s. Mer, glad you’re back from Nicaragua! Can’t wait to see ya!

p.p.s. I am now a member of the community chorale! yay for first soprano!!!

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